

Pregnancy and Dental Health

Pregnancy is a time of many changes, including those affecting your dental health. Hormonal fluctuations can impact your gums and teeth, making dental care an

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Safe Travel During Pregnancy

Traveling during pregnancy can be a delightful and safe experience with the right planning and precautions. Whether you’re planning a babymoon or need to travel

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Second Trimester Screening Tests

The second trimester is a crucial period in pregnancy, marked by significant developmental milestones for your baby and essential screening tests. These tests provide valuable

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Preparing for Childbirth Classes

Preparing for childbirth is an exciting yet nerve-wracking time for expecting parents. Childbirth classes provide invaluable knowledge and skills to help you feel more confident

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Chronic Pelvic Pain

For many women, the subject of pelvic pain is all too familiar. Pelvic discomfort can disrupt daily life and raise myriad concerns, whether it’s a

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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Embarking on the voyage of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can feel much like navigating the vast and sometimes tumultuous ocean. Each wave brings with it

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), while commonly heard of, remains a topic shrouded in ambiguity. It’s akin to that puzzling chapter in a book that you

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Urinary Tract Infections

For many, the term “Urinary Tract Infection” or “UTI” may evoke memories of discomfort and unease. These infections, common yet frequently misunderstood, can significantly disrupt

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Urinary Retention

Urinary health is an oft-overlooked dimension of our overall well-being, yet its disruptions can profoundly impact daily life. One such disruption, urinary retention, stands out

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Interstitial Cystitis

One of the lesser-known but crucial aspects of women’s health is bladder health, specifically, the impact of conditions like interstitial cystitis. Often shrouded in misunderstanding,

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Overactive Bladder

The topic of bladder health is often swept under the rug despite its undeniable impact on quality of life. Among the concerns many women face

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Tucked away in Rancho Cucamonga, California, Summit Women’s & Wellness Medical Group is committed to enhancing the health and well-being of women. One of the

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Well Woman Exams

Nestled in the heart of Rancho Cucamonga, California, Summit Women’s & Wellness Medical Group champions women’s health, one essential aspect of which is the Well

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